Which Shopify app should I use on my store for showing upsells and cross sells?
Yes, you have took a great decision of showing upsells and cross sells in your store. Many of the store owners have been missing this strategy to implement in their stores. There are many Shopify apps available for showing upsells and cross sells on your store but if you are in search of a perfect app then you can go for iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell which is an all in one Shopify app for your side cart optimization. We know that cart abandonment is a major issue in eCommerce, right? Have you ever thought that the lack of having a sticky cart can be one of the reasons for leaving the cart abandoned by the customers? It happens because customers always shop from where there feel comfortable. So have you ever thought that how much uncomfortable it may feel for the customers while scrolling down the page when they are browsing the products and again they need to go up if there is no sticky cart? So in this case iCart becomes a hero. Using iCart you can design a sticky cart on your store just by doing drag and drop without any coding. You can show upsells and cross sells with time-sensitive offers, product recommendations,, warranties, gift wrapping, order noted, images, text & much more! Apart from these features this app also has advanced analytics from which you can track everything in your cart like impressions, clicks (CTR), conversions (CVR), revenue generated & increase in average order value. Another interesting point is that after installing the app you will get a free trial of 30 days.